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Gremel Nature Preserve

Cultural history: (taken from an Augustana College publication)


The first known public use of the site by Europeans was in 1830. The Fink & Walker Stage Coach Line traveled through the property; a sign was erected by Boy Scouts marking the stage route.


In June 1832, Abraham Lincoln led a company of militia from the New Salem area on their way to the Blackhawk War. Later this same route was used to transport lead from the mines in Galena to the Illinois River at Ottawa.


Less than 10% of the site was used for agriculture due to the sandy soils and numerous wetlands

Green Wing Farm was used as a private hunting preserve from approximately 1948 to 1968.


On 7 May, 1968, nineteen churches formed an association and purchased Green Wing Farm to be used as the Green Wing Bible Camp.


Augustana College acquired the site in 1991 and established the Green Wing Environmental Laboratory Field Station (GWEL).


On 14 December, 2016, IAS acquired 395 acres of the 410-acre GWEL from Augustana College; long-time IAS member Russell Gremel, and the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation, provided funding for the acquisition and restoration.




1939 Green Wing Present and Past Comparison Map (1).jpg

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