Join Birdsong Chapter
To Join or Renew:
To download a membership brochure and pay by check click here
or click here to pay online
Choose from the membership support levels listed. You can also buy a membership as a gift.
Choose to join a local Chapter if you wish for an additional $10. Ours is Birdsong and will provide field trips, programs and networking. Newsletters and email updates from the local chapter will keep you informed about upcoming events. Chapters are listed on the form and you may choose one, several or none at sign up. Please note that the form will allow you to join multiple chapters if you wish.
You will be asked to provide member information and purchaser information (if different).
This is a great way to get started with birding! There are members with years of experience who would love to help you learn more.
Leadership information:
President - Deb Carey
Vice-President - Diana Rod
Secretary - Cassandra Rodgers
Treasurer - John McCrosky