December 4th, 2020
In a previous post we mentioned INAI. What is an INAI?
In 1970, approximately 660 Illinois Natural Area sites throughout the state were identified as high-quality natural areas in the original 1970s inventory project.
What is a natural area? Well, there are many definitions but basically it is a prairie, savanna, wetland, fen, seep, woodland or wetland that exhibits characteristics of native – natural – vegetation. Hopefully there are not negative impacts to the area such as development and/or invasive weeds and brush.
In our county, Don McFall and Mike Jones completed A Lee County Natural Area Survey in June and July 1970. This brief survey showcased major and minor natural areas deserving of permanent protection as representative samples of high-quality native vegetation.
Beginning in 1986, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources' Division of Natural Heritage established the Illinois Natural Heritage Database to be a central location of information on significant natural features within the state. The database contains the information gathered during the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory conducted in 1976-1978 as well as recent information. These special and important natural areas are called INAI sites and each has its own number.
So, if you visit a sanctuary that has an INAI designation, you can be certain that it is a high-quality site, although many INAI sites have invasive weeds and brush choking the good vegetation. The Crowfoot Connection Grant area at Amboy Marsh is a good example. Our grant from Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation is helping us restore the Crowfoot, Wet Pond and 50 Turtle Head Pond area to its former glory!
Amboy Marsh Nature Preserve is entirely within INAI Site #1621.
Gremel Wildlife Sanctuary has a small INAI within its boundaries. It is INAI Site #1828.
As an interesting side note, we are currently updating the 50-year old Lee County Natural Area Survey!